segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2018

The library

Up the stairs he follows
scanning the countless aisles
third from the back she disappears

Approaching she sees him, a slight glance, a sly smile

Up against the wall..., he presses her
Her hands on his shoulders
his mouth meets hers
his hands rest..., on her hips

As he looks, into her eyes
a hand up her dress, in her panties...
Fingers now buried in her cunt

A faint moan, a finger on his mouth, shhhhhh

"keep your hands on my shoulders" he whispers

Moist and dripping with desire his fingers massage
they let her know, the passion, he brings

Quiets her with his mouth, her eyes close,

a slight quiver... as she cums

browsing the books they glance, and without a word she smiles

The sign as they exit reads:

'Please refrain from making a noise as this is a library'

by Stanhoven
photography by Igor Tertyshny

4 comentários:

Ana Pereira disse...

Oh my god.

Silêncio que se leu poesia corporal aqui.

A kiss for you

Marta Vinhais disse...

Ups! Terá sido na secção de poesia erótica???
Beijos e abraços

Pedro M disse...

ohhh Ana...
lê-se poesia escrita em Braille!
E cada frase arranca um suspiro... um gemido... de teus lábios...
Um beijo!

Pedro M disse...

mmm Marta...
imagino-te lendo o livro...
debruçada sobre a mesa de leitura...
pernas entreabertas...
Um beijo